Wednesday 7 October 2015

Definition Post - Personal Project (Identity)

Definition of "Identity" - The characteristics determining who or what a person or thing is.

Adjectives to describe and/or relate to the word "Identity" - Character, Personality, I.D., DNA, Genes, Name, Existence, Memories, Identification, Status, Equality, Race, Class, Circumstances, Self, Disguised, Fake, Individuality, Faceless, Sexual Preference, Identity Card, Anonymous, Camouflage, Characteristic, Community, Society, Gender, Human, Inhumane, Illness, Cover, Make-up, Proof, Fingerprints, Place, Buildings, Age, Appearance.

I have chosen four images below which I think relate to my topic and can be influence for my future shoots. As my topic is "Identity", I want to explore the identity of buildings, places (such as tourist points) as well as the identity of people, their personalities and stories. Therefore, in this post, I have included photos of people because in my project proposal I used photos of buildings and places. The first image is of a faceless woman, holding her face like a mask as if she has just pulled it away. The background is white, the models outfit is white and she is rather pale which adds the feeling of innocence and purity. However, on the woman's face, her mascara is stained across her face and she is wearing red lipstick, which adds mystery. I like this image because it is as though she has pulled her identity off. The second image is of a couple standing together, and the photo is in black and white so it is very dark, as are their shadows. However, in this image, both the boy and girl's faces have been scribbled over in white. This means that we cannot see their faces or facial expression, which adds mysterious feeling to the image - and also, covers over their identity. I like that this image is meant to be romantic, because it is of a couple huddled together - however because of the black and white effect and scribbled out faces, it almost has the feeling of demonic and evil. The third image is of a girl wearing a mask with three different faces, which is like she has three different identities and personalities. I like this image because the background is blurred, and the subject (the model) is in focus. It is clear that the background is of trees by the way the sun is shining through some of the branches and it is also very dark. The three different faces are facing different directions, forward, left and right. This makes the photo feel very creepy as it is though the person can see all the way around her head at one time. The last image I have chosen is a sequence of one man, and in each photo he is holding a different hat over this face. This disguises his identity, but it also a really fun way of doing it. Whereas the other images i have chosen are mysterious, evil and creepy, this one is lighthearted and humorous. I also like that it has been displayed as a sequence. 

My own definition of "Identity" - A person's identity consists of their personality, characteristics, health, appearance and events in their life. 

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