Saturday 28 November 2015

Work Diary - Shoot 1: Norfolk


For this shoot, I decided that I would like to explore the 'identity' of the place. When visiting the beach and pier, I liked the depth from the walls and lights along the cycle track, which is why I focused on this during the shoot. I also shot a couple of Location Portraiture images, as in some of the photos I have used a model, but there is still depth shown within the background of the photo. I enjoyed this shoot and considering it wasn't planned, I think the photos came out really well and are relevant to my topic this unit. If I were to reshoot this, I think I would experiment more by taking a lot more photos, especially on the beach itself. I also would've concentrated more when shooting an image, as most of the photos on my contact sheets turned out to be blurry, this could be a fault of my own or a fault in the setting of my camera. I also think I should used a tripod when shooting on Location as this would make my images a lot steadier and straight - particularly where there are lines in the images. 

This is one of the shots, which portrays depth. I took this photo with and without a model, but prefer the image without as you can see the lines and depth from the wall of the beach. I also like this image because the lampposts across the beach get smaller and smaller, again showing depth. I believe this image shows the beauty of the beach and the seaside, particularly as I captured the many footsteps in the sand, as well as the pier in the background. My aim for this shoot was to capture the essence of fun and beauty within the seaside, which I think this photo represents perfectly.

This photo is one of my favourites from this shoot, as it portrays my set purpose very well. In this photo, we can see a seafood, sweets and ice cream shop. Each shop has its own coloured roof, which I have over saturated using Photoshop to make them appear brighter - as this makes the photo more eye-catching and vibrant. This photo shows the other part of the seaside, as appose to the beach. I think this photo represents childhood as sweets and ice cream is what made the seaside so enjoyable, as well as the pier and arcade games, and the bright colours emphasize this feeling of fun and joy. 


I enjoyed this shoot, and although at the time I wasn't shooting anything in particular, I think the photos relate very well to my topic of identity - particularly as they create the feeling of childhood fun at the seaside, as well as showing the beauty of the beach. The only fault of this shoot was that I didn't capture any photos of being in the sea as the weather was very windy and cold, but nonetheless I think my images came out rather well. For my next shoot, I plan to travel to Leigh-on-sea and take photos of the place to again - get the feel of what it is like there. 

1 comment:

  1. This shoot is very much within the style of martin Parr, continue with this approach (pastiche) also draw reference to the possible connotations associated with the use of colour saturation in photography, what might this evoke? Why was film generally sold to the public in a super saturated format/colour profile… !
