Thursday 18 June 2015

Image Bank - Picture within a Picture

The photographs above present multiple photos, within an original photo. There are a few techniques to do this, such as using a frame or a mirror. The image within the image, can be the background, another photo or a video. In the first image above, the photographer has edited the original image so that the face and upper body of the model has disappeared, leaving just the background showing within the frame, as though we are looking through them. The second, fifth and final images I have chosen show multiple images within one image. The last photo above shows various photos of the model holding the frame, in different positions. The final image which is the smallest frame in the original photo is a closeup of the models face. The other images I have chosen simply show another photo through the frame in the original image, like the married couple standing together. In the other image which is similar to this, it looks as though everything outside of the frame is moving, apart from the actual photo within the frame, which is completely in focus. 

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