Thursday 25 June 2015

Work Diary - Wide Angle and Close-up


In this lesson, we shot both Wide Angle and Close-up together as we didn't have a lot of time left. Therefore, I had to switch from the two different techniques. For wide angle photographs, I used a low zoom, but stayed close to the subjects of my images, for example: a persons face, a bench, a wall. This created depth as it made the closest part of the image look bigger, in comparison to the part furthest away, which appeared smaller. For close-up images, I had to switch to the close-up setting on my camera, and again, stay close to the subject. I focused on flowers and nature as they are quite easy to shoot close-up. The wide angle shoot was probably the hardest out of the two, as it was difficult to figure out which subjects were best and if I was shooting it correctly, however I did manage to capture a few photos which showed incredible depth. 

These two images are from the wide angle shoot, as you can see, the closer to the lens a part of the subject was, the bigger it appeared. Such as the models nose.

These two images are from the close-up shoot. I particularly like that the subject is the only part of the image which is in focus, as the background is blurred. Making the flower and the tree stand out in detail.


Although the wide angle photos were the most difficult in this joint shoot, I did enjoy both techniques. After researching into the techniques and creating image banks, I have now seen more variations and styles on how to use them, which has influenced my own ideas. Therefore, I hope that if I get the chance, I will use these techniques in my own project. 

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