Thursday 25 June 2015

Image Bank - Wide Angle

The images above all display 'wide angle', whereby the photographer has kept the lowest zoom, but has moved the camera lens closer to the subject, making the actual closest part of the subject, look the biggest in the image. Some of the photos, such as the second to the last one of the girls face, the first, of the cow, and the fourth image of the little boy, I have attempted to recreate as when I was shooting wide angle, I mainly focused on peoples faces, and I also took a photo of my feet from high up. However, the other images, of the bridge, Eiffel tower and particularly the very last image, have given me inspiration. I especially like the last image of the 'bigger hands' because it is so unusual and creative, but still simple. Wide angle images can also make certain parts of the image look smaller, as the majority of these images show depth, and therefore the part furthest away from the camera lens, will appear the smallest - such as the little boys feet in the fourth photograph. 

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